20-year-old shirt still going strong

I’ve been helping my friend Andrew with his wardrobe for decades. We got this pullover shirt for him some twenty years ago. He loved the shirt and wore it to bits -- eventually the collar stretched out and frayed, and the ends of the sleeves frayed, and the collar and cuff seams started to come apart. I told him he could only wear it in the privacy of his own apartment because of how shabby it looked, but I couldn’t get him to donate it and let it go. Some of you remember the post of his slippers, which he is still trying to use up.
Yes, I like the print, but the cut is very late 80s. Sometimes you just need to move on. But he recently convinced me to try a repair job, so I did. I cut the frayed collar and cuffs off and folded over the edges and sewed them back deeply enough to make new hems. In the end it looked decent: faded and stretched, and the arms are now too short, but good enough for him to wear in public again. Which he did, and this weekend buying tomatoes at the farmer's market the girl at the stall said, "Hey I like your shirt." I’m still on the fence about the 80s cut. But it’s got me thinking there might be a lot of shirts out there that could have a second life for much less than the cost of a new shirt, if we all decided the cool new thing in menswear is shorter sleeves and bigger collars. Could it be a fashion statement? What’s the oldest garment in your wardrobe? Send picts.